Dream and its interpretation

I just woke up from a dream where, in my dream, my son was sleeping in his bassinet next to me as normal but i kept waking up to items in his bassinet that could suffocate him. I kept removing the items and going back to bed in my dream but after a few times of removing those items I realized that there was nothing nearby that he could’ve reached or could’ve fallen into his bassinet. In my dream, I picked my son up and was looking at him when it seemed like he said something to me in a dark voice. Immediately, in my dream, I assumed an evil spirit took hold of him and attempted to say “let go of my son” but felt like i couldn’t breathe. In my dream, everything was realistic and pretty accurate of how my house is set up. We live in a mother in law suite at my parents house even. So I took my son upstairs in my dream to my mom and told her that there is something wrong and that we needed to pray over him. At first, she didn’t believe me until I started praying and my son started making all these weird faces and trying to scratch me which is when I woke up. Terrified. What does this mean?


The central theme of your dream revolves around the protection and vulnerability of your son, reflecting a deeper concern for his safety and well-being. This dream can be seen as a powerful manifestation of your anxieties and the protective instincts you have as a parent.

From a Jungian perspective, the bassinet symbolizes a space of innocence and safety, representing your son's fragility and dependence on you. The recurring presence of suffocating items can be interpreted as intrusive thoughts or external pressures that threaten this safe space. These items could symbolize your fears or perceived threats in your waking life, possibly related to your environment or circumstances.

The moment when your son seemingly speaks in a dark voice and exhibits disturbing behavior suggests an encounter with the shadow aspect of your psyche. The shadow, as described by Jung, consists of the parts of ourselves that are repressed or unacknowledged. This event in the dream could symbolize your deep-seated fears or unresolved issues that you project onto your son, seeing him as being influenced by an "evil spirit."

Taking your son to your mother for help and praying over him represents a call for support and a return to a nurturing, maternal figure in your own life. Your mother’s initial disbelief might reflect your own doubts or the challenges you face in seeking support. The act of praying and the subsequent reaction from your son can be seen as an attempt to confront and purify these darker elements.

The interactions in your dream, particularly the transitions from removing harmful items to confronting the dark voice and seeking help, highlight a journey through fear and towards healing. The real-life parallels might involve your current living situation, where you could feel a need for greater security and support for both yourself and your child.

The dream also touches on the collective unconscious, where archetypal elements such as the mother, the child, and the shadow play significant roles. The child represents new beginnings and potential, while the shadow reveals hidden fears and unresolved conflicts. The mother figure, both in your dream and as a symbol, embodies nurturing and wisdom.

Given this interpretation, one piece of actionable advice would be to openly acknowledge and address your anxieties. Seeking support from trusted individuals, like your mother, or engaging in practices that help you confront and integrate your shadow aspects, such as therapy or journaling, can be beneficial. By doing so, you can transform these fears into a deeper understanding and strengthen the protective and nurturing environment you desire for your son.
Friday, August 30, 2024 at 2:21:44 PM
Dream Analysis

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