Dream and its interpretation

So, I had a nightmare last night about an apocalypse-type thing. So I was just at like a public outdoor pool, so the part I feel bad about is that there was a very big slide and there were 2 dudes up there. And I tried climbing up but one of them tried kicking me off but I luckily caught myself. So I climbed back up and I full-on just killed that guy for trying to push me off. I don't know why my brain just did that but ye it was horrifying Committing a murder in my nightmare as a 13 almost 14 year old. And it was pretty gruesome and brutal. And I woke but when I heard distant chattering and people saying like "Omg what is wrong with you" and stuff like "you are a fucking monster go kill yourself" or "that was uncalled for". So yeah that why I feel bad.


The central motif of your dream revolves around a violent confrontation and subsequent feelings of guilt and self-reproach. In Jungian terms, this dream appears to be an exploration of your shadow self, the part of your unconscious that contains repressed desires and emotions.

The setting of the dream, a public outdoor pool, symbolizes a place of collective emotional experiences. Water often represents the unconscious, and a public pool suggests shared or communal emotional states. The significant element of the big slide highlights a journey or descent into deeper psychological layers, perhaps indicating a confrontation with more intense, primal aspects of yourself.

The two men at the top of the slide symbolize parts of your psyche that you see as obstacles or threats. When one of them tries to kick you off, it suggests an internal struggle where you feel attacked or undermined by an aspect of yourself. Your reaction—climbing back up and killing him—while violent and extreme, symbolizes a desperate attempt to assert control and protect yourself. This act of violence represents the emergence of intense and repressed emotions that have not been acknowledged or integrated into your conscious life.

The gruesome nature of the act and the subsequent feelings of horror and guilt indicate that this shadow aspect of yourself is something you find deeply troubling and are struggling to come to terms with. The external voices of condemnation reflect your internalized judgments and societal norms that label such aggressive impulses as monstrous and unacceptable.

The dream's apocalyptic theme underscores a sense of inner turmoil and transformation. Apocalyptic imagery often signifies the end of an old way of being and the potential for renewal or rebirth. It suggests that you are undergoing a significant psychological upheaval, which is both frightening and necessary for personal growth.

From a Jungian perspective, this dream urges you to acknowledge and integrate your shadow. The violent encounter with the man at the slide highlights unresolved anger or aggression that needs to be understood rather than suppressed. The feelings of guilt and self-loathing that follow the act are your psyche's way of wrestling with these darker aspects of yourself.

The actionable advice here is to engage in self-reflection and perhaps speak with a trusted adult or therapist about these emotions. Understanding that everyone has a shadow side can help you come to terms with these feelings. By acknowledging and integrating these aspects of yourself, you can transform them into a source of strength rather than a source of shame.

Remember, the goal of this process is individuation—becoming a whole person by integrating all aspects of your psyche, including those parts you find uncomfortable or frightening. This dream is a call to begin that journey of self-discovery and integration.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 4:22:22 PM
Dream Analysis

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